What does impact body performance? | A machine learning approach

What does impact body performance? This is the question a lot of us have asked themselves sometime. Am I going to perform better if I’m lighter? What if I’m taller?In this blog post, I will take a machine learning approach to analyse more than 13,000 observations from individuals aged...
Published on December 22, 2021 | 15 min read

Analyzing a boat listings website

What do you do when you want to sell your boat? You can either sell it to a friend or relative or post it online. This is the reason why boat listings websites exists. In this blog post, I will try to analyze the main common patterns of the most viewed ads within the last 7 days. This anal...
Published on December 08, 2021 | 8 min read

Analyzing COVID-19 world data with PostgreSQL

COVID-19 is now part of our lives. It has broken many dinners, many beers and many trips. However, we have to learn to live with it. In the next few paragraphs, I will try to analyze some interesting facts from the pandemic just using SQL. More precisely, PostgreSQLDatas...
Published on November 23, 2021 | 10 min read

Usage patterns in Ford GoBike bicycle sharing

In this blog post, I’ll analyze the bike usage of Ford GoBike, a bike-sharing system covering the greater San Francisco area. The dataset contains more than 180,000 observations from February 2019 including trip duration, start and end station, member gender, among others. With this informatio...
Published on November 17, 2021 | 5 min read

Analyzing WeRateDogs twitter profile

WeRateDogs is a incredibly popular Twitter account that rates people’s dogs with humorous comments about the dog. The ratings usually have a denominator of 10. However, the numerator is almost always greater than 10. 11/10, 12/10, 13/...
Published on November 10, 2021 | 3 min read

Should I deploy my new website? Or better keep the old one? (Part 3 - Logistic Regression)

This is the last post of the A/B test series. You can check part 1 here and part 2 here. In this part, I will take a regression approach...
Published on November 05, 2021 | 9 min read

Should I deploy my new website? Or better keep the old one? (Part 2 - Z-test)

In the last post, we tried to perform an A/B test for a website in order to deploy a new website or not. However, all the calculations were done in a ‘manual’ way. Python offers us the possibility to use built-ins t...
Published on November 01, 2021 | 2 min read

Should I deploy my new website? Or better keep the old one? (Part 1 - Bootstrapping)

One of the most common questions when building a new website is: will it perform better than the old one? Would people like it more? This is where A/B testing excels. This experiment allow us to compare two different samples and draw conclusions out of them. For example, the old page (A) again...
Published on October 22, 2021 | 5 min read

Interesting IMDb facts

IMBd is the biggest source of information regarding movies in the world. By analyzing its whole database, we can get some insights in very interesting matters. For example, have you ever wonder what is the most popular genre over the years? Are th...
Published on October 10, 2021 | 13 min read